Art Gallery

Some artworks that I've made recently. Click on the images or the captions to see the full image.

preliminary sketch of the beetlejuppet painting on the canvas.

Beetlejuppet painting work in progress.

My life size self portrait for life drawing class. Kind of unfinished, I may go back in and do more another time.

All my work for the final critique in my printmaking class. 3 single color carved block prints, 3 multi color carved block prints, 4 cyanotype prints, 1 monotype print, and my final series of prints. For my final I chose to make the 2 multicolor block prints in the middle.

One of my prints of Zoro from the first multi color block print assignment.

My surrealism painting midway through working.
My sketchbook page for Usopp. I did go in and add more color later because it still felt unfinished.

The unfinished sketch of Vivi's royal portrait-esqe part of her page in my sketchbook. It still looks like this as I type this. I really need to get more work done on it.
The sketchbook spread of Zoro and Sanji's pages, taken before I added color to Sanji's.
Zoro's finished sketchbook page. The first of all of my One Piece sketchbook pages that I started and finished.
Sanji's finished sketchbook page, now with more color.